Saturday, February 14, 2009

Man's Aptitude for Almighty God

Man’s aptitude for GOD

Man is to live a religious life that is worthy of the name he must know God; he must enter into fellowship with God. Revelation on God’s part and a capacity on man’s part to know God. Whether man is capable of fellowship with God cannot be settled apart from the question of revelation.
The Biblical view of man is more than a physical organism. His body came from the dust of the ground: but God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul. (Gen. 2:7). God made man in his own image (Gen. 1: 26,27 ).This evidently refers to man’s spiritual nature, not to his body. This divine image may be reflected in the fact that man walks upright but the essence of it lies in something deeper, something not visible to the physical eye.
The powers possessed by man that make him capacity of growing into a spiritual personality.
The power to think, to know that is man’s intelligence. Man has the power to reason, to reflect, to investigate, to come to conclusions and self consciousness.
Capacity that belongs to man by virtue of his spiritual personality in the power of will.

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